Thursday, July 12, 2012

Caregiver Duties - Assisted Living Homes

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Caregiver Duties - Assisted Living Homes

Being a caregiver in assisted living home is a hefty responsibility. There are a slew of distinct responsibilities that are assigned. Typically there are several distinct types of care giver duties in an assisted living facility. The caregiver duties can range from the most mundane chores to the most important. Each duty is specific to development sure that the residents are safe and in a good wholesome environment.

Caregiver Duties - Assisted Living Homes

Cleaning, Cooking and Conversation

To say that any one man is responsible to only cook or clean is undoubtedly an understatement. Interacting with the residents is the customary function of any caregiver that works in an assisted living home.

Getting to know the residents is an foremost duty. Knowing man is basal to their well being. Knowing man by getting to know them through conversation is one of the most foremost ways to insure someone's well-being. Many times, if a man is not well, the first habitancy to identify this will be the habitancy that interact with them every day. An employee in an assisted living home is probably most in tune with the resident's health, plainly because subtle changes in personality can be picked up on. There may be some cooking and cleaning duties that are assigned but one of the most foremost duties either or not assigned for any care giver is to converse with the residents and get to know them.


Some caregivers at some assisted living homes might be required to dispense medication and monitor the use. There is normally a load of paperwork that has to be kept as part of the residents' care plan. It is very foremost for the caregiver to keep definite records. These records can point to any problems that the resident is having with their medication and can be given to the curative victualer as a means of tracking any issues. Typically a care giver will have some sort of knowledge and training in medications and what side effects to look for. Generally, those who are authorized to dispense medication in an assisted living installation will have a minimum schooling of licensed practical nurse or Lpn, although in some states, a registered nurse or Rn will be the only one who can be assigned to medication dispensing. A certified nurse's aide, or Cna, in some states can seek out further schooling in order to have the authority to handle medication. This requirement differs from state to state.

Personal Care

There are some caregivers that are tasked with providing personal care assistance. This is one of the most foremost things for many residents and can de facto help heighten their capability of life. Personal care duties may include bathing, general hygiene care, and dressing. Residents are always encouraged to allege their own personal hygiene for as long as possible, so not all residents will wish aid with personal care. In most cases a care giver in the assisted living homes will wear more than one hat. They will have many distinct duties.

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