Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Rift

#1. The Rift Advertisements

The Rift

A considerable mythology exists about the end of our great civilization. This end date is December 21, 2012. The myth gave rise in the year 1990 and is a story of a time when profound changes will sweep the Earth and usher in a new chapter in human existence. A time when prophecy comes to pass and a new foresight takes its place. A time when our innermost fears and desires as a species are expressed upon the stage of history-a spotlight that reveals our many potential, and our most hideous weaknesses. A time when humanity is on a procedure of destruction; when Earth's ecosystems, overburdened with carbon dioxide released by deforestation and fossil fuel burning, are beginning to fail. This is a time that future generations will look back upon and say, "That was it. That was do-or die. That's when it happened."

The Rift

Why December 21, 2012? Converted to our present-day calendar, this is the date the Egyptian Stone Calendar in the Great Pyramid described as the Phoenix Cycle of our galactic orbit, meaning a cycle of death and rebirth with regard to our position in the Milky Way and our orbit colse to the sun. Some twenty-six hundred years ago, the aged Mayan or Pre-Mayan law of timekeeping was set to end beyond doubt on December 21, 2012 as well. Why the Egyptians and the Maya choose the year 2012 has a lot to do with the ancients' star watching, the Earth's rotation axis, and what is called the "precession of the equinoxes," or the result of the performance of the sun and the moon upon bumps about the Earth's equator.

It's not as if we haven't been forewarned. Concern for environmental security has recurred in diverse forms, in dissimilar parts of the world, throughout history. The earliest known writings concerned with environmental pollution, for example, were Arabic medical treatises written while the "Arab Agricultural Revolution" in the Middle East from the 8th century to the 13th century. In the United States, the beginnings of an environmental movement can be traced as far back as 1739, though it was not called environmentalism and was still thought about conservation until the 1950s.

The year 1990 marked the beginning of preparations for the many shift of consciousness for the environment ever attempted. Individuals and groups began seeking out the wisdom and knowledge of the native peoples of the world who invoked aid from the Earth Mother, drawing Her attention. The Earth mother began to see that humanity was request for an additional one occasion to reclaim responsibility as keepers of the Earth. We promised to stop polluting and desecrating the Earth by educating and informing the polluters that Earth is a living, breathing being that must be honored and revered in order to survive. Such an undertaking would take time, as the people of the world had increased twelve-fold in just the last three hundred and fifty-three years and Earth's offenders were in great number.

In 1992, a harmonious cleansing was initiated for the Earth. A plan was set into motion that was designed to heal the rift in the middle of humanity and the Earth Mother. It was a plan designed to avert the cataclysmic Earth changes that prophets predicted would occur on December 21, 2012 and to demonstrate to the Earth mother that we were ultimately ready to work together. people already aligned with the environment began to redouble their efforts. The United Nations chose to accept responsibility in organizing this event, the very first Earth Summit.

For the first time ever, one hundred and seventy-six world leaders, each representing the entire people of their individual countries, and over forty thousand nongovernmental organizations from colse to the world came together in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for one unified cause-the medical of the Earth. This sacred convention was the demonstration the Earth mother had been waiting for to prove that humanity was worthy of Her trust.

As the events of the summit progressed, the Earth Mother's love and forgiveness bathed all life on Earth. Then, on June 7, 1992, while the median of the Earth Summit, Her light reached a grand crescendo.

It was Pentecost Sunday, the celebration of the Baptism of the Earth Mother. Straight through the gift of Her Divine love, humanity was lifted into a higher realm of consciousness and a miraculous medical took place. The rift in the middle of humanity and the Earth mother was healed and a new contract was formed.

Many events took place globally reflecting the medical that occurred on Pentecost Sunday. After the Chinese student Riots in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, we saw Russia's Iron Curtain collapse, the Berlin Wall demolished, Ireland's decision for peace talks, Black Riots in America stemming from the brutal police beating of Rodney King, and apartheid in South Africa ceased. We saw the Fitzgerald Inquiry, new laws for family disputes and women's rights, and environmental policies became an prominent part of politics worldwide.

The phenomenal success of the new contract was also clear when we observed the grand growth in the purging activities that took place on Earth in the 1990s. There was a dramatic growth in the frequency and severity of natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornados, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, landslides, and wildfires affected more than one billion people Straight through 1999.

Clearly, humankind was committed to medical the Earth. But since then, with every new housing improvement constructed, every automobile that comes off the assembly line, with every drop of fuel that we burn to vehicle ourselves, we are mutating the Earth away from the form it has held for millions of years, and towards some new shape and form that we can scarcely imagine. There is no scientific evidence to advise anything will happen beyond doubt on December 21, 2012, but there is no doubt that dramatic Earth changes are taking place. The interrogate is have we reached the tipping point? Have we done too miniature too late to save ourselves and all life from annihilation?

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